Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (হার্ডকভার)
Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (হার্ডকভার)
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Design, rehabilitate and maintain modern highway bridge from steel and reinforced concrete design, to highway layout and basic geometrics, to geotechnical engineering and hydraulics are all explained in this book. Written with unusual clarity and packed with timely design examples and case studies plus eye opening sidebars and graphics, the book shows bridge structures, function, types and applications; design superstructures and substructures for maximum maintainability; design highway components. The book is an easy approach pavement and serves as a slab, structures geometrics and elevations, roadways alignments and more; kick off the project-from funding to site surveying and coring; manage the design process-contract documents, reports, plans client interactions and many more; manage the bridge itself- from creating a structure inventory to extending GIS and CADD functionality. From initial concept all the way to final contract document preparation, the book bridge maintenance, safety and management presents a clear and detailed roadmap to the entire bridge process. Placing special emphasis on rehabilitation design and maintenance techniques, the book is filled with important design procedures and illustrations.

Title : Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management
Author : সঞ্জীব মাথুর
Publisher : এসবিএস পাবলিশার্স অ্যান্ড ডিস্ট্রিবিউটর প্রাইভেট লিমিটেড
ISBN : 9789380090474
Edition : 1st Published, 2012
Number of Pages : 304
Country : India
Language : English

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